
Looking for secure storage & fulfilment of your goods in Netherlands? Then Cerata Fulfilment Center is the right address for you!  A fully equipped warehouse with an area of ​​1200 m², which allows us to further automate and optimize the order processing process.  

Professional Fulfilment Service
We will work with you to choose the best carrier. This depends on the type of package and the type of customer. Because we have contacts with almost all carriers in the Netherlands, we can offer competitive package prices.

Amazon FBA or Bol LVB? No Problem!
In addition, we’re committed to enhancing your FBA/LVB experience. We offer complimentary FBA/LVB packaging with every order.

Real-time insight into storage and inventory
We track your shipments carefully. Because missing or lost shipments are the biggest problem in Ecommerce we monitor everything from the beginning. We do fight with the couriers for you to provide best service quality.

We secure your fulfillment process

We take care of everything from processing and delivery to returns. Our fulfillment costs are all-inclusive. This starts with a well-arranged link between us and your online store. This is the expertise of our IT department. They ensure that the connection between your online store and the system of fulfillment partner Cerata is done properly

Innovation - Startux X Webflow Template

Performance Guarantee of 99.98%

Compliance - Startux X Webflow Template

Marketplace and Webshop Links

Commitment - Startux X Webflow Template

Secure and Reliable Packaging

Teamwork - Startux X Webflow Template

Friendly Customer Service

Marketing - Startux X Webflow Template

Flexible Pricing Options

Transparency - Startux X Webflow Template

24/7 Real Time Insight

Cost per order

Can we also process orders for you? Please view our domestic fulfillment rates. Please contact with us to check the most recent fulfilment rates per country and package type.

Type of Parcel
0-50 Orders
50-100 Orders
> 100 Orders
Letter Size
€ 1.89
€ 1.69
Mailbox Parcel
€ 3.75
€ 3.25
Small Package *10 liters
€ 4.85
€ 4.65
Medium Package *24 liters
€ 5.85
€ 5.45
Large Package *60 liters
€ 6.85
€ 6.75