
External storage for your inventory is ideal for businesses that do not have enough space, are experiencing significant growth or have to deal with periodic fluctuations. With a flexible external storage space you can store more goods during busy periods and less when it is quiet. This means you only pay for the storage space you need.

Is the storage insured?
To make the threshold for renting pallet storage even lower, the storage spaces are insured 100%. Whether there are many or few pallets stored, you can use our storage spaces without any worries.

Are my pallets stored safely?
It is of course important that your pallets are stored safely. At Cerata, your storage space is monitored 24 hours a day by 32 cameras, vibration sensors and other relevant security measures.

Real-time insight into storage and inventory
You will never have to worry about missing products again, because we regularly count your stock manually. This way you remain fully in control of the storage and stock of your inventory.

We secure your pallet storage

24 hours a day, 7 days a week is no exception for us, in fact this is the standard for us. Your pallets are in good hands, the process is managed by one of our professional staff members.

Innovation - Startux X Webflow Template

Long & Short Term Storage

Compliance - Startux X Webflow Template

Easily Accessible

Commitment - Startux X Webflow Template

Secured with Borg Klasse 3

Teamwork - Startux X Webflow Template

Forklift and Staff Available

Marketing - Startux X Webflow Template

Starting from 1 Pallet

Transparency - Startux X Webflow Template

24/7 Real Time Insight

Cost per pallet place

Below you will find our rates for storage for different sizes of pallets. Can we also process orders for you? Then view our fulfillment rates.

Type of Pallet
0-50 Pallets
50-100 Pallets
> 100 Pallets
Mini Pallet
€ 5.95 per Month
€ 4.95 per Month
€ Quotation
Euro Pallet
€ 8.95 per Month
€ 7.95 per Month
Block Pallet
€ 11.95 per Month
€ 10.95 per Month

Entry and output costs

Type of Pallet
0-50 Pallets per month
50 -100 Pallets per month
> 100 Pallets per month
Mini Pallet
€ 3.20 per Pallet
€ 2.95 per Pallet
€ Quotation
Euro Pallet
€ 3.20 per Pallet
€ 2.95 per Pallet
Block Pallet
€ 4.95 per Pallet
€ 3.95 per Pallet